Botanical Matters

It turns out that the bramble Rubus subinermoides recorded on Raasay and elsewhere in Scotland may in fact be different from R. subinermoides in England where the type species was first recorded. Amongst other things the large pink petals aren’t right. Those more skilled than I in batology will sort this out – it may be that a new microspecies will be recognised.

These pictures are from one of these plants on my drive yesterday:

I also spotted a single tree of Acer saccharinum (Silver Maple) in Inverarish. It was planted maybe a decade ago and is doing well, though last weekend’s storm did some damage.


5 Responses to “Botanical Matters”

  1. In the garden: Moths, Fungi & That Bramble | Plants of Skye, Raasay & The Small Isles Says:

    […] An occasional report on botanical and related activity in Skye, Raasay & the Small Isles « Botanical Matters […]

  2. Seth Gibson Says:

    Unlikely as it seems, it may be worth checking the leaves of your Silver Maple for nail galls caused by the mite Vasates quadripedes. I think they overwinter in the tiny nooks and crannies of the bark, so could potentially be moved around on trees shipped via the nursery trade. There were lots of Silver Maples in a park near Epsom where I used to live and none had the mite that I could see. However, a huge solitary tree in Trowbridge was heavily infested with them. Anyway, worth a check sometime maybe, and something to throw to Murdo if you strike lucky.

  3. Stephen Says:

    I shall bear that in mind.

    • Stephen Says:

      There are a surprising number of leaves left on it. No sign of nail galls on those. But maybe galled leaves drop off first……
      I didn’t mention that it is in the middle of a bramble patch.

      • Seth Gibson Says:

        Strap a couple of pillows to your legs and get in there – this could be new for VC! I used to see a lot of nail galls on limes and sycamores down south, not convinced that galled leaves drop any earlier than ungalled ones. If you aren’t seeing them, in all likelihood they aren’t there. Bit of a longshot at best, but it’s always good to be aware of these things.

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