In and Out the Garden 1st May 2020

A couple of days ago, this mayfly settled on my watch in the garden – we are not very far from the Arish Burn. It is probably Baetis rhodani. (Thanks, Craig.)

Baetis cf rhodani

Baetis cf rhodani

A short-palped cranefly was determined as Dicranomyia chorea. (Thanks, Ryan)

Dicranomyia chorea

Dicranomyia chorea

and I can add Sweet Vernal-grass to the list of weeds flowering in the garden. Between here and the shop there are now quite a lot of wild plants in flower including Great Wood-rush, Water Avens, Wood Speedwell and sallows. I spotted a single plant of Astilbe japonica (False-buck’s-beard) and thought that was a new find, but looking at the database I see I recorded it thereabouts in 2008.  However, just along the road from home I found this

Primula x polyantha cultivar (Cultivated Primrose)

Primula x polyantha cultivar (Cultivated Primrose)

which has no doubt escaped from a garden. I have only recorded this twice before  – in Kyleakin and Broadford.


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