Staffin Island

Bob, Nick and I took a dinghy to Staffin Island  today. I didn’t take my camera in case we ended up in the water but it was much more profitable than I had expected.

Staffin Dinghy

We made 132 vascular plant records on Staffin Island, the following (remarkably, in most cases) new to NG46: Atriplex glabriuscula (Babington’s Orache), Atriplex prostrata (Spear-leaved Orache), Juncus ranarius (Frog Rush) and Puccinellia maritima (Common Saltmarsh-grass). And there was another near the slip on Skye: Aira caryophyllea (Silver Hair-grass).

I have also taken a Euphrasia (Eyebright) specimen for expert determination – it looks like one of the uncommon ones to me. Later: Chris Metherell has determined it as Euphrasia foulaensis.

Bob recorded 21 bird species, 17 of them breeding.  This includes about seven pairs of bonxies.

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Great Skuas on Staffin Island            Photo Bob McMillan

Nick found a small number of bryophyte species, but some rather good ones.

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