The Mainland

I had a look at the NTS field at Kirkton that had been seeded with wildflower seed about five years ago and it is looking pretty good. If I had happened across it without knowing the history I would have thought it a reasonably rich meadow. It will be interesting to follow its development.

After that I visited a tetrad in VC105 with no records not far from Lochcarron in a 10 km square that needs more recording before 2020. There were some interesting sedge plants that I initially thought to be hybrids but am now wondering if they have been affected by the partial shade where they are growing:

Carex hyb 01

Carex hyb 02

Expert opinion has been sought……

I also found Vicia sativa subsp. segetalis (Common Vetch), a subspecies never recorded in VC104:

Vicia sativa subsp. segetalis

Vicia sativa subsp. segetalis

and perhaps less welcome, Cotoneaster horizontalis (Wall Cotoneaster):

Cotoneaster horizontalis

Cotoneaster horizontalis


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