Hybrid Orchids & Royal Fern

Deirdre has sent this image of what we have agreed to be Dactylorhiza x venusta (D. fuchsii (Common Spotted-orchid) x purpurella (Northern Marsh-orchid)).  We have had a number of records in recent years but not so many as for D. x formosa (D. maculata x purpurella).  However, the latter is usually very large and striking and so catches the eye more readily.

Dactylorhiza x venusta

Dactylorhiza x venusta Photo: D Peppé

Terry , however, has us baffled by this oddity from his croft:

Unknown hybrid                       Photo: T. Swainbank

Meanwhile, Jenny has found Osmunda regalis (Royal fern) near Kyleakin:

Osmunda regalis Photo: J. Grant

Osmunda regalis      Photo: J. Grant


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