Another Threatened plant on Raasay

Today I visited two known Raasay sites for Gnaphalium sylvaticum (Heath Cudweed).  The first is a forest track where there were nearly 400 rosettes of which about 30% gave rise to flowering stalks. Ther were some very fine specimens e.g.:
Gnaphalium sylvaticum on forest track, Raasay

Gnaphalium sylvaticum on forest track, Raasay

The planting of the forest and provision of the track brought about this habitat and gave this nationally scarce species a real boost.  It likes open forest tracks. However, the growth of new Picea sitchensis (Sitka Spruce) will be the death of it in a couple of decades:

Sitka Spruce invading the site

Sitka Spruce invading the site

The second site is rather different but also man-made.  Spoil heaps from the first world war Raasay iron mine are now covered by short vegetation and in there I counted nearly 200 plants, looking rather different:

Gnaphalium sylvaticum on old spoil heap

Gnaphalium sylvaticum on old spoil heap

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