The Raasay Hills

On Wednesday I toured Dun Caan and Meall Daimh on Raasay, first and foremost to see if I could locate some non-standard Epilobium (Willowherb) plants I had seen over ten years ago.  I had hopes that they might be Epilobium x haynaldianum (E. palustre x alsinifolium) but all I found was E. palustre.

However, I also checked populations of Carex pauciflora (Few-flowered Sedge), Cryptogramma crispa (Parsley Fern), Diphasiastrum alpinum (Alpine Clubmoss), Dryopteris oreades (Mountain Male-fern) and Salix herbacea (Dwarf Willow) and was whistled at by Golden Plovers.

Dryopteris oreades on Meall Daimh, Raasay

Dryopteris oreades on Meall Daimh, Raasay

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