Moths in May

I added 15 species of moth to the West Suisnish list for May of which two were completely new to the list: Least Black Arches and the micromoth Pammene rhediella (Fruitlet Mining Tortrix).

Out and about on Skye and Raasay, the highlight was Lobesia littoralis (Shore Marble) from near Gillean on Skye.

Lobesia littoralis (Shore Marble)


3 Responses to “Moths in May”

  1. Juliet Blackie Says:

    Hi. I am presently staying on the Isle of Canna and today walked across to Sanday where I found Oyster Plant, Mertensia maritima. I can send a photo, but it won’t attach to this message.

    • Stephen Says:

      Hi Juliet,
      Yes, that is pretty much the only recent known site in the vice-county – and there are usually lots of plants. If you can give me a date and a grid reference, even a 1 km square, I will make a record of your finding. My e-mail address is here:
      Many thanks for letting me know.

    • Stephen Says:

      You may also like the sand dune area on Sanday near the Canna-Sanday bridge. 😊

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