In the Garden 3rd June 2020

Every year the leaves of our turnip seedlings have large numbers of small holes. However, the plants grow through this crisis and produce a glut of turnips.

Turnip damage

Turnip damage

This year I have found the culprit: Phyllotreta nemorum, the Large Striped Flea Beetle or Turnip Flea Beetle (but then the Small Striped Flea Beetle is also known as Turnip Flea Beetle). (Thanks, Ralph.) Richard Moore recorded this just once on Raasay – as the first published record for the Hebrides.

Phyllotreta nemorum Turnip Flea Beetle

Phyllotreta nemorum Turnip Flea Beetle

The micro-moth count continues to rise with Anthophila fabriciana (Nettle-tap),  Micropterix calthella (Plain Gold) and Blastobasis lacticolella (Wakely’s Dowd).

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One Response to “In the Garden 3rd June 2020”

  1. Miners and Rollers | Plants of Skye, Raasay & The Small Isles Says:

    […] Using the key at the excellent website Plant Parasites of Europe I found it was the larva of the Large Striped Flea Beetle that had been attacking the turnips. […]

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