Steve’s Recent Records

Steve sent me over 500 records from May including sites for the Galium album (Hedge Bedstraw) mentioned before and various other nice things such as Lycopodium clavatum (Stag’s-horn Clubmoss), Hymenophyllum wilsonii (Wilson’s Filmy-fern) and less nice things like Fallopia japonica (Japanese Knotweed). Since then he has found a completely new site, north of Broadford for the local rarity Paris quadrifolia (Herb-paris):

Herb-paris    Photo: S. Terry

Herb-paris                      Photo: S. Terry

One Response to “Steve’s Recent Records”

  1. Broadford Area | Plants of Skye, Raasay & The Small Isles Says:

    […] I visited Steve’s sites for Galium album and Paris quadrifolia.  There was more of the Galium than I had been expecting and it is looking in good health, though […]

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